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Framework and positioning of Une Proposition nommée Désir

Une Proposition nommée Désir has a programmatic approach and a sustainable and free perspective.


Long live the degrees of freedom.

Free co-creation that respects institutions

La Proposition nommée Désir works closely with the Mboro town council, local businesses and all the local players. Decentralisation allows public policies to be localised and local finances to be autonomous. It makes real creativity possible, with everyone, including civil society, participating. Democratically elected representatives and leaders are who we all are. A certain beauty lies in their decision to position themselves as political leaders to lead their territories, their country. Nevertheless, in the public policy aspect of the project, a conscious choice has been made, that of civil liberty. This stipulates the emergence of new ideas. They could complement "local development plans" and other "development strategies" often attached to political colours.  


 However useful it may be to go through them, planning documents - like 'departments' and other 'ministries' - do not survive electoral cycles. They are destined to change, to probably gather dust, inexorably replaced by new reports and documents as years go by and new people arrive.

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Entanglement of territories and consideration of the landscape

Borders are imaginary and territories are entangled. The link between all sectors of the economy, spatiality and territorial dynamics is too often unexploited. This must be remedied.

In Mboro, the Désir proposal is not based on current territorial boundaries. Mboro is the energetic and historic territory, not the Mboro that was carved up into a small piece in 2013, buried and encircled by Darou Khoudoss, which has recovered the largest share of land and taxes as a result of a new administrative division. To illustrate the confusion, Mboro-sur-mer no longer belongs administratively to Mboro. Now, it belongs to Darou Khoudoss. But this does not change the fact that Mboro, Darou Khoudoss, and all the surrounding towns are one. They constitute a territory with great potential. They form such a beautiful landscape.

A spiritual program

There's a lot of talk about spirituality, desire and love in this organic co-creation project. The ills of our societies are direct outgrowths of our inner turmoil, collective beliefs, and old ways of doing things. They all share a common soil: the lack of self-love and love for others. This takes the universal form of a frantic and tiring search for a certain 'justice.' Also, cognitive dissonance undermines society and businesses at every level, sustaining infernal cycles of struggle within and without, and opposition. To co-create organically and recover our memories of personal power, we need to work on everything that uplifts the soul - the soul of the human beings who inhabit a territory and form a community, the soul of neighbourhoods, communities, businesses and industries. Purge what needs purging. Leaving behind the energy of noise and chaos. Creating your own life. To see life in a new light. 

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A Proposal Named Desire !=* Laboratory 

La Proposition nommée Désir is not intended to consider Mboro (and African communities) as a laboratory. Laboratories rather produce synthetic results.

*meaning "different from".

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