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Our 5-pillar approach

Pillar 1: An Observatory for a debate-driven economy

La Proposition nommée Désir is also an Observatory at the service of local and national debate.

The aim of the Désir proposal is also to enable the establishment of a political economy in which public policy is informed by conscious debate. 


The first part of the Observatory is the Reasons for Concern.

The Reasons for Concern section presents analyses, data, stories and proposals on the multidimensional aspects of the project - economic sector, humanities, spirituality. 

Pillar 2: When the Word becomes flesh - Adopting high standards

With Une Proposition nommée Désir, we intend to act in a spirit of conscious partnership. Beyond Mboro, we strive to bring innovative solutions to the major challenges facing intermediate towns in Africa and the Global South. How do we do this? By co-creating conscious communities, by investing, by reconnecting with our deepest nature.

But no action is sustainable unless it is based on high standards.

It is extremely important to adopt and maintain high standards in all areas of life, both personally and collectively. Redefining our standards enables us to be conscious and free individuals. 

Do you want to move from ego to eco?

Are you driven by the same desire to leave behind a better world?


Contact us, let's connect and work together.

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Pillar 3: Centre for cultural and heritage intelligence

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The entire history of the world, and of Africa in particular, is a sum of transactions. In fact, every transaction has a powerful cultural component. There is a very strong correlation between culture, heritage and the economy. Social capital, culture, and identification with the past guide our behavior. They also influence the level of trust between individuals and the quality and justice of transactions. 

In the Proposition named Désir, a central place is given to culture and to cultural and historical heritage. We provide impartial, cross-sectional analyses. We look closely at the mirror that universal intelligence holds up to us at every moment and every event. These analyses are made unique by our Signature.

Pillar 4: Reveal and sublimate impact projects

With Une Proposition nommée Désir, we bring out the light in projects that aim to improve the lives of humans and animals. We sublimate projects with a social, environmental and economic impact. Our magic ingredients? Awareness, empathy and love. That's our signature. Are you developing or looking to implement projects in Africa and the Global South that aim to improve the lives of humans and animals? Do you want to see your projects from a new angle and add 

more impact and therefore more return on investment? 

Whether small, medium or large-scale, we have the power to help you bring out your own Signature. Are you ready? Let's get in touch. 

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Pillar 5: Towards a conscious development cooperation

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How can we move from give and take to true give and receive? What really is Cooperation and what really drive people or entities to cooperate? These are fundamental questions. This final pillar resonates with the four previous ones.


Development cooperation is gradually being modernised, in a world of constant change, with budgetary crises and surprises of all kinds. Today, it needs to become conscious. The mandate of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee resonates perfectly with the principles of The Proposal Named Desire, as it calls on our common humanity and the power of empowerment. In addition to promoting international cooperation that contributes to economic progress, the eradication of poverty and the improvement of living standards in developing countries, the DAC nurtures the powerful and noble dream of creating a future in which no country depends on aid.


The Plan of the Proposal Named Desire is also to work towards achieving this last maxim: no longer depending on aid and donations by gradually adopting empowering approaches. How can we do this? By investing consciously and patiently, and by bringing awareness and spirituality to development cooperation. 


Would you like to participate in its expansion and adaptation to other cities and living spaces in Africa and the Global South? Do you have the power to invest and innovate in Mboro? Can you do this with a spirit of co-creation and conscious development cooperation?


Whether you are a government agency, an investor, a think tank, a private sector company, an association, or an individual with useful knowledge, let's get in touch.


Contact us to discover the list of our bankable projects in Mboro. They have a high environmental, economic, cultural, and spiritual impact. You can invest in and co-create them.

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