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Welcome to the co-creation Capsule of La Proposition nommée Désir. 

Moment for co-creation

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The challenges faced by Mboro and people living there are global. Mboro is a metaphor for the history of humankind. It is a fractal of Africa and the Global South, the result of different encounters. But encounters often bring hidden treasures.


Supporting the metamorphosis of caterpillars

After a phase of internal chaos, caterpillars become butterflies. We are all connected. We can catalyze the metamorphosis of the caterpillars. They shed the shreds that no longer serve them and consciously receive new energies.


Let’s connect


Whether you're a community member, policymaker or expert in urbanism and culture, join us in the mission to create a more equitable and sustainable future for communities, cities and countries that are on the noble trajectory of development. 

Do you have something to share? Each of us has something to share, something unique to bring to this world. 

Let's connect, and move on to the other side: where things really happen.

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